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Village of Bannockburn


Rail / Trains

Bannockburn commuters have transportation to Bannockburn from Chicago via the Metra Milwaukee District North and Metra Union Pacific North Railroad Lines. The station is served by Pace buses. For more information about Metra’s service, please visit them on their Metra website.

Train Station Location

Milwaukee District North Line

Deerfield StationLake Forest
860 Deerfield Road911 Telegraph Road
Deerfield, IL 60015 Lake Forest, IL 60045

Union Pacific North Line

Highwood StationHighland Park
317 Green Bay Road1700 St. Johns Ave
Highwood, IL 60040Highland Park, IL 60035

LYFT Program

Glenstar Asset Management, Village of Bannockburn, Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) and LYFT have teamed together to provide free transportation to employees of the Glenstar Property located at the Bannockburn Lakes complex on Waukegan Road to and from Metra stops in Deerfield, Highland Park, Highwood and Lake Forest.


Bannockburn is located 3 miles west of Route 41, a direct auto route to Chicago or Wisconsin. The Tollway (I-294) goes north to Wisconsin and south to I-80 which is the Illinois connection to Indiana and Iowa. Bannockburn is within 18 miles of Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport; a short ride down the Tri-State Tollway with access from both Deerfield Road and Route 22 (Half Day Road).

  • O’Hare Airport is a 20 minute drive.
  • Midway Airport is a 50 minute drive.
  • Chicago Executive Airport is a 20 minute drive.
  • General Mitchell Int’l in Milwaukee is a 56 minute drive.
  • The Loop is a 40 minute drive.
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