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Village of Bannockburn

Pet Licenses


Every dog six (6) months or older residing in the Village of Bannockburn (Village) must be licensed within fifteen (15) days of acquisition or after turning six (6) months old. Each dog is issued one “lifetime” (non-transferrable) tag which must be worn at all times while residing in the Village. Any owner whose dog is found unlicensed may be subject to Code violation enforcement.

The Village limits the number of dogs as follows:

  1. No more than three (3) dogs on any lot containing less than 80,000 square feet in area;
  2. No more than four (4) dogs on any lot containing at least 80,000 square feet in area but less than 120,000 square feet in area;
  3. No more than five (5) dogs on any lot containing at least 120, 000 square feet in area but less than 160,000 square feet in area;
  4. No more than six (6) dogs on any lot containing at least 160,000 square feet in area.

The one-time, non-refundable application fee for this license is:

  • Dogs less than eight (8) years old- $50 if neutered/spayed; $100 if non-neutered/spayed
  • Dogs eight (8) years and older- $30 if neutered/spayed; $60 if non-neutered/spayed

Tags may be purchased by submitting a Dog License Application with valid and current rabies vaccination information for each dog. Please return the application and payment (cash or check payable to the Village of Bannockburn) at the below address. Applications and any questions may also be emailed to Julia Gabbard.

Village Hall
2275 Telegraph Road
Bannockburn, IL 60015

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