The Village of Bannockburn’s Public Works department utilizes outside resources to perform a comprehensive and diverse range of responsibilities in the Village.
Building Maintenance
The Public Works department provides a clean, healthy, safe and efficient working environment in each facility for Village employees and in public areas and meeting places utilized by the public and the various committees and commission of the Village’s government structure. The department provides predictive, preventative and emergency maintenance on all building systems including the Village Hall and Shelter. The department also oversees maintenance and operation of the street lighting system to aid pedestrian and vehicular traffic along major streets and throughout the community at intersections and crosswalks after dark.
Streets, Storm Sewer, Drainage, and Snow Plowing
The Public Works Department oversees the maintenance of streets, drainage ditches, and storm sewers to ensure that they are smooth, clean, safe, and structurally sound for vehicular travel in a variety of weather conditions. The department also provides for safe and efficient vehicular traffic movement by using traffic control devices, movement markings, and signage to inform operator of motor vehicles and pedestrians of conditions and regulation so as to minimize traffic accidents while accommodating smooth and reasonably rapid traffic movements. During a winter weather advisory, equipment is readied and loaded with road salt. Typically, the Village Police Department notifies the Public Works Department when road conditions require snow and ice control.
The Public Works Department provides for the preventative maintenance annual cleaning and inspection of the Village storm sewer and drainage system in compliance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program.
Forestry and Grounds
The Public Works Department provides for maintenance and care of parkway trees, as well as, maintenance of the open space and rain gardens, including mowing and repairs to playground equipment. Several tasks are performed to ensure the vitality of parkway trees and nursery stock including spraying to arrest or prevent disease; trimming to shape and improve aesthetics; tree removal in the event of storm damage, disease, or insect infestation and replacement of those trees.
Please contact Public Works & Building Department Manager Sam Barghi at or 847-945-6080 for any Public Works questions, comments or concerns. You can also utilize the “Contact Us” form, which will be sent to the Village (please make sure to indicate the comment is a public work issue).
After-hours/holiday/weekend Public Works emergencies (like loss of water pressure, water main break, sewage back-up into a home) should be reported to the Police non-emergency phone number at (847) 945-8490.